Every day, there are millions of people working to ensure that telecommunications infrastructures maintain the highest security standards. Critical infrastructures are facing a latent threat, the goal of cybercriminals is the same: to achieve the vulnerability of security systems.
Because of the way in which digital life is intertwined with the economy, communication, and education. It is of vital consideration the protection of telecommunications infrastructure, with the mission to maintain high yields from the companies that provide these services.
For this reason, below we present 5 keys that help to maintain the security of the telecommunications infrastructure:
1 Adequate furniture in the right location
For the telecommunications infrastructure, the use and quality of the space is important. Once the appropriate furniture and computer equipment is obtained, the organization and programming of these will reinforce the security of both the material and the system.
Therefore, it is advisable to use quality brands, as well as to place the props in an orderly and safe way in the assembly. Issues such as the air conditioning of the physical spaces are key to the durability of the equipment, which requires adequate environmental conditions to avoid overheating and electrical damage.
2 Periodic risk analysis
Prevention can be the game-changer when it comes to telecommunications infrastructure. By planning and performing periodic reviews, it is possible to foresee the types of risks to which one is exposed, and how the systems are functioning in general.
In this way it is avoided that any threat in process or potential, can be realized, risk analysis should also cover all areas, both physical and digital, thus covering the total infrastructure.
3 Physical and human security within the telecommunications infrastructure
In infrastructure planning, physical security is a guarantee of care.
The order in which personnel are assigned to a specific task generates trust and security in relation to the equipment. As well as reducing the entry of unnecessary personnel for interaction with the telecommunications infrastructure, it limits the risks of mishandling or malicious interventions within the systems and equipment being operated.
All personnel involved must be highly qualified to deal with any irregularity. And there must be a route to follow in case of suspicions or problems within the facilities. Monitoring through cameras will allow the hot spots to be always protected.
4 Digital security
Once a good physical operation has been achieved within the telecommunications infrastructure, it must be accompanied by digital shielding.
Infrastructures are exposed to a myriad of potential dangers, therefore, in the first instance, all international cybersecurity standards must be met. And from there, each individual company must choose the best protection option.
At this point, drills and knowledge on pishing, firewall shielding for the Internet network, software authentication but also various forms of authentication are suggested. Teams in charge of signaling possible vulnerabilities, 100% secure internal communication channels, among others.
5 Safety must be the common motto
Finally, we must recognize that all practices that become customary allow the generation of cultural patterns. That is why all good safety practices should be encouraged to become policy and culture within each company. This will naturalize the development of good security practices, and the way to internalize them will guarantee better results.
Security in telecommunications is a path that continues to be built every day, and the possibility of updating security measures on a daily basis must be kept open. Cybercrime does not stop and is preparing to find new ways to make easy profits.