IP Telephony has become the ideal means of communication mainly for business organizations around the world, reaching the point of traditional means of communication such as fixed telephones.
In today´s world, IP telephony represents an important advance for the telecommunications sector, because it allows the confluence of different systems in one. In this article we will develop this interesting topic, to contribute in this way to insert us in one more innovation that brings us this modern world.
1. Understanding IP Telephony
IP Telephony (Internet Telephony Protocol) is a means of technology used for communication, which uses an IP protocol to carry out the exchange of voice, fax and other means for the transmission of information.
It should be noted that to carry out this process, it was necessary to use the PSTN protocol or Public Switched Telephone Network; which consisted in the use of a traditional telephone network, where communication was carried out in real time through a telephone network.
With IP Telephony, the voice signal travels as a data packet through a local area network (LAN) or Internet (Voice over IP), thus avoiding the use of PSTN networks.
2. Advantages of using IP Telephony
· Several calls can be answered simultaneously
· IP telephony allows multiple users to converse in real time
· It allows call transfers
· The user can manage several telephones
· IP telephony allows blocking of spam phone numbers
· It allows to use the landline phone using applications from a cell phone
3. Advantages of the use of IP Telephony for companies
One of the main advantages that companies obtain with the adoption of this technology is a significant reduction in their production costs, mainly related to infrastructure (telephone network) and the payment of traditional telephone bills.
Another important advantage of IP telephony is that it allows companies to use non-proprietary free hardware systems, thus allowing the use of IP telephony systems with open standards.
Through IP telephony, companies can connect with other offices remotely, whether they are located inside or outside the country. This represents a reduction in telephone call costs for companies, since calls made between the same company are usually free of charge.
At the same time, the costs for long distance calls are practically eliminated, causing the call rates to be more economical for the company.
IP Telephony provides companies with a remote work alternative such as Teleworking, using a computer with a Web Phone or Softphone using a smart phone by installing an APP or an IP phone on it.
This in turn benefits the company, by generating a significant reduction in costs, by having the possibility of using several lines to be interconnected with several employees. Likewise, IP Telephony allows employees' homes to be connected to the Internet through fiber optics, where their telephone lines work through the Internet.